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Your connection to the women's rights

movement doesn't stop here.

It starts here. 

  It starts with YOU.

Write a letter like Febb Burn!


Your words can change history too! 

Write a letter to a politician, a business owner, your local government.

Ask questions, demand changes, and tell them about what actions you're taking to make a difference.  

Click here for more information

Create a protest banner

Have you ever been to a protest?

Have you seen protestors holding signs sharing ideas, thoughts, or quotes?

Create a protest banner/sign that expresses how you feel about issues important to you.

Remind people to vote, declare your support for equal voting rights, or spread joy and kindness with your words. 

Click here for more information

Hang a Yellow Rose in your window. 

Did you know that you can advocate through art?

Artists have used art to express their feelings, impart important messages, and encourage people to look at issues from new angles. 



Use your Yellow Rose art to show your support for equal voting rights, to celebrate the 100 years of women's suffrage and to encourage others to learn more about this important history.

Click here for more information

Register voters.

On November 3rd, the United States will elect the next president. No matter who you (or your parents) are supporting in the 2020 election,

it is important for EVERY AMERICAN to vote. 

Help register voters in your community.

Find other ways to participate in the 2020 elections.

Click here for more information

Your community needs YOU!

Learn about local opportunities to get involved.

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